#1 Spider Control Service
As the Valley’s leading pest control company for decades, we have helped thousands of families and businesses remove unwanted pests from their home or business location, including spiders and other arachnids. Contact us today for a Consultation.
#1 Spider Control Service
Arizona Brown Spider
The Arizona brown spider is a species of recluse spider that is commonly found throughout Arizona. This spider has 3 sets of eyes, eight long legs, and grow to be 1/4-1/2 inch long. The Arizona brown spider can be distinguished by its violin shaped marking on its head to scare off its predators and its yellowish-brown colored body.
Can survive 6-12 months without food
Has a toxic that may cause a harmful reaction to the skin; if bitten by a recluse spider, consult a doctor.
Spends most of its time in dark areas during the day and are very active at night. They do all their hunting during the nighttime.
Feed on small bugs that get caught in their webs or hunt them in the nighttime.
When we think of tarantulas, we think of how big and hairy they are and that is what makes them scary. Tarantulas do bite; however, their venom is weaker than the average bee. There are many species of tarantulas commonly found in the dry, desert parts of the world, including Arizona.
- Common Characteristics: Their bodies can range up to 4 ¾ inches long with their leg span as long as 11 inches.
Tarantulas do not generally spin webs to capture their prey; they hunt for their prey; injecting venom and paralyzing the prey. After eating, they may not eat again for up to a month.
They have very few enemies, but the Pepsis wasp is the exception. The Pepsis wasp will paralyze the tarantula and inject paralyzing venom into the tarantula. Pepsis wasps would then lay its eggs on the tarantula, and the larvae would feed on the living tarantula.
Sun Spider
Sun spiders are unusual arachnids that are commonly found throughout the United States, particularly in the southeastern region. They have some interesting and distinct features that set them apart from other spiders:
Characteristics: grow to be 1-3 inches long, yellowish or tan in color
Sun spiders do not spin webs to catch their prey; instead, they have large leg-like pedipalps on each side of the jaw, making them look like they have 5 sets of legs (instead of 4). These pedipalps are sticky so that they can easily catch their prey.
Often when sun spiders walk, they have these “arms” in the air so that they can easily move.
Sun spiders are great diggers and fast movers; they spend most of their time underground and are most active in the desert where it is hot and arid.
Sun spiders eat insects and may consume small lizards; when handles by people, they may bite but are not poisonous.
Black Widow
Black widows are spiders that are commonly found throughout the United States, including Arizona. The female is easily identified by their black, shiny body with a red hourglass shape on the abdomen. Their abdomen can is approximately 1/4-1/2 inch in diameter, but the males are much smaller in size and appearance. The male black widow is much smaller than the female and is light colored with light streaks across its abdomen. The black widow’s web contains a mass of fibers and a small area where the spider waits for its prey. They usually construct their webs under boards, stones, foundation slabs (but rarely enter inside buildings and homes). Black widows have a bite that is greatly feared because its venom is said to be 15 times stronger than a rattlesnake bite. The venom contains toxins that affect the nervous system. In humans, bites produce muscle aches, nausea, and a paralysis of the diaphragm that can make breathing difficult.