#1 Bee Removal Service
As the Valley’s leading pest control company for decades, we have helped thousands of families and businesses remove unwanted pests from their home or business location, including bees. Contact us today for a Consultation.
Bee Removal Information
Bumble Bee
‘Bumble bee’ refers to a species of social bees that are larger than honeybees but are slightly smaller than carpenter bees. Bumble bees have an abdomen covered with yellow and black hairs. There are approximately 50 known species of honeybees in North America, today. The Gold Northern Bumble Bees are typically found in central or southern Arizona regions.
- Bumble bees only survive in warmer climates.
- The queen bumble bee typically raises her brood in a small underground colony and feed them with clumps of nectar and pollen.
- The queen bee only stays in a colony until springtime and then finds a new colony
- Bumble Bees will not typically pollinate the same flower as another bee. It will sometimes also steel pollen from a flower without pollinating it.
- There are fewer bumble bees in a colony than a honeybee
- Bumble bees do not dance to communicate like honeybees
- Bumble bees do not hoard honey as honeybees do; instead, they store it in cells located in their colony.
Carpenter Bee-Hymenoptera
The carpenter bee, along with many other bees in the world, belongs to the Hymenoptera family, which includes hornets, wasps, and some ants. Most of the carpenter bee species live in the southwest region of the United States. The most common species of carpenter bee that occurs in Arizona is the ‘valley carpenter bee’.
- There are about 730 known species of carpenter bees in the world.
- Carpenter bees are a larger species of bees, less fuzzy than the bumblebee.
- The females of most carpenter bee species are black or blue with a metallic sheen and may be up to 1 inch long.
- The males of most carpenter bee species have a light brown body with light green or yellowish-green hairs, somewhat smaller than females.
- Carpenter bees can maintain their body temperature when the air is cool
- Piles of sawdust beside the nest entrance and the presence of many bees in flight in the area provide clues that a nest is nearby.
- Carpenter bee females have stingers; males do not.
- In the desert, carpenter bees take shelter in dead plants, trees, wood, and yucca stalks.