Crow Removal and Prevention
As the Valley’s leading pest control company for decades, we have helped thousands of families and businesses remove unwanted pests from their home or business location, including crows. Contact us today for a Consultation.
Crow Removal Information
Crows are familiar birds found across the continent. They are often found in treetops, roadsides, fields, town centers, and even beaches. These birds are most often the victims of West Nile Virus and will die within a week of having the virus; very few have survived.
• Crows are very social birds and will hardly be found alone. Crows stick together in the winter and will have been known to stay in one are for well over 100 years causing mess problems in urban areas where people dwell.
• Crows will eat anything: insects, earthworms, garbage, pet food, and roadkill…small turtles, fish, and clams. They are considered omnivores and will also eat small nestlings such as sparrows, chickens, jays, robins, and loons to name a few.
• Female and male crows build nests together and hide then near the bottom of a tree trunk. Made with twigs, pine needles, weeds, and soft bark from trees; nests are large approximately6-20 inches across and 4-16 inches deep. Eggs are grayish blue and have little spots of grey and brown.
• Young crows do not begin mating until they are about 2-4 years old. Most times, these birds will work together to help raise younger crows in their group or family that may consist of 15 birds of which may have 5 different nests of young crows.
Identifying Characteristics:
• Have a deep raspy cawing voice.
• Large, black, intelligent birds with long black legs and a thick dark bill. They can appear to be grey when they molt, as they grow new shiny black feathers.
• 16-21 inches in length with a wingspan of 34-40 inches; they are almost the size of a raven, weighing up to 22 ounces.