Bee Removal is always a dangerous business. That’s why it’s never a good idea for a would-be homeowner to attempt to handle a bee infestation on their own. What they don’t realize is that it’s not just the beekeeper themselves that can become ill or even end up dead if they are not careful when handling these insects. Even if you have the right gear on your person when you are handling them, you could still be exposed to bee stings. The last thing you want is to have an accident because you didn’t think about wearing the right type of beekeeping suit.
Bee Removal is also dangerous for beekeepers to the environment. Many times beekeepers have found their hives destroyed in their property. Also, during the winter when their hives sit vacant, these insects can travel from one area of the state to another. They can do this by traveling from the warmer states to the colder ones. As you can see bee removal is very important to both the environment and to the hobby of beekeeping itself.
Bees can make their nest in a variety of places. Usually the hives found in Arizona are called “juparana”. This type of bee removal is most often done by using a bait-bee removal system. These systems are used to humanely trap the beehives, then removing them from your property without harming or killing the bees.
Bee swarms tend to show up in more populated areas than just Mesa. Recently there was a report of thirty-five thousand bees being removed from an apartment complex in Mesa where property management was involved. The cause of this particular hive removal has not been determined, but it does fit into the “bee-swarm” category.
Beekeepers can benefit greatly from the presence of the “swarm” phenomenon. If you are a new comer to beekeeping, especially in the state of Arizona, and notice a large amount of honey being produced, it may be a good idea to call a local expert for advice. An expert can also give you the best advice on the best way to deal with any type of bee infestation, whether it be a European Honeybee an Africanized Bee, or any other type.
The use of pesticides on azaleas is frowned upon by many people, especially those who have experienced first hand the ill affects of such an approach. However, if your azalea is producing honey, or if you notice some type of strange residue on its foliage, it may be time to contact a professional arborist. Bee removal professionals will use the correct equipment to safely take out your beehives, while also protecting your lawn from any possible future bee outbreaks. These experts are well equipped in the methods they use for taking out an unwanted hive and in providing their clients with post-treatment information.