What Causes Bed Bugs in Your Bed?

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What Causes Bed Bugs in Your Bed?

Bed bugs are parasitic nocturnal pests that feed off human blood, making their home in areas where people sleep and hiding in dark and concealed spots nearby.

As soon as they detect you nearby, they emerge from hiding to bite – producing bite marks which look similar to pimples that itch, as well as emitting an unpleasant coriander scent.

Bed Bugs When Traveling in Phoenix

Bed bugs can enter a home through luggage, used furniture and packages; they also move from apartment to apartment through hollows in walls and tubes that run pipes and wires, becoming particularly adept at hiding behind baseboards, headboards or loose wallpaper.

Bed bug bites are an unmistakable sign of infestation; their small amount of anesthetic injection when feeding allows them to remain undetected for hours while sucking blood from their hosts. If you suspect your itchy bumps might be bed bugs, look out for rusty stains on bedding or mattresses or tiny egg shells shed by their victims as possible indicators.

Adult bed bugs are oval, wingless insects that can reach up to 1/5 inch long and range in color from light tan or mahogany. During the day they typically hide in dark cracks and crevices before coming out at night to find food sources. Nymphs (insect’s immature forms) resemble adults but feature lighter coloring with thinner outer shells.

Experts advise travelers before checking into a hotel room. Before getting comfortable for the evening, carefully examine both mattress and box spring for reddish rust stains along seams, tufts or folds, in addition to looking at any wooden joints on bed frames, armchairs or desks for any wear and tear.

Check your clothing for black spots. If there are numerous pockets, details or creases on any of your pieces of clothing, place them in a plastic bag until you can wash and dry them properly. A hard-shell suitcase may also help prevent bed bugs from attaching themselves to them.

As soon as you arrive home, wash all clothing and bedding in hot water with laundry detergent before drying them on their highest heat setting. If bed bugs are an issue for you, vacuum and clean furniture and carpeting before treating with surface pesticides such as pyrethroids or liquid insecticides like . In addition to using pesticides effectively, mattress and box spring encasements may help prevent pests from getting inside.

Infested Furniture from Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are adept hitchhikers, adept at sneaking into new homes through people’s luggage or secondhand furniture. While mosquitoes may fly, bed bugs have flat bodies which allow them to crawl into tight spaces in search of blood for their young to feed on. In addition, they’re resistant to DDT insecticide, producing hundreds of eggs in their lifetime.

Bed bugs typically find secluded places during the day to hide and wait for potential hosts at night to feed on them – such as seams and tufts on mattresses, cracks in wood joints of box springs, baseboards, headboards or furniture pieces with tight spaces where they can nest.

These nocturnal insects often hide in photo frames, drawers and other household items as well as behind or within picture frames, drawers and other household items, such as stuffed animals clothing and electronic devices. If you suspect bed bugs in a room, use a flashlight to search all potential hiding places around its edges; paying particular attention where walls meet.

While bed bug droppings may not always be visible with the naked eye, you may spot telltale rust-colored or dark brown marks from engorged nymphs and shed skins in heavily infested areas. Furthermore, you might detect an unpleasant rotting smell.

Bed bug bites are another telltale sign of bedbug infestation, looking similar to mosquito bites in that they may itch or cause discomfort – depending on the severity of an infestation, they could even become embarrassing!

If you suspect an infestation, hire a professional exterminator and use heat, steam or another treatment method such as pesticide sprays to eliminate bed bugs and their eggs. Prior to their arrival, strip and vacuum your mattress, box springs, furniture pieces such as chairs and desks and double bag clothing, toys, books or any personal items like clothing to be safely treated or inspected later on. Also consider investing in bed bug-proof encasements which act like fabric sacks to contain your mattress and box spring while tight-fitting zippers ensure no bed bugs or their eggs can escape during treatment sessions.

bed bugs phoenix

Infested Bedding From Bed Bugs in Phoenix

Bed bugs are highly adaptable creatures that are always looking for ways to gain entry to homes through clothing, luggage and other belongings that have come from infested areas – this is the most likely route through which bed bug infestations enter houses; they may also enter unwittingly through infested furniture such as beds, box springs or headboards.

These pests are known to move around from place to place until they find an ideal host – which could be you or one of your family members. Furthermore, these bugs have even been known to move between rooms of the same home through wall cracks, upholstery folds or crevices in furniture.

Reddish-brown insects about the size of an apple seed have flat bodies with short legs, and tend to be most active at night when looking for blood to drink. Their saliva may cause allergic reactions in humans while their excrement leaves dark spots of excrement on furniture surfaces or bedding – with additional complaints of foul rotting meat or an unpleasant “buggy” odors being present when in large numbers.

These bugs typically arrive within eight feet of where people sleep and become active at night, typically appearing in various hiding places close to your bed such as mattresses, box springs and headboards, along the folds of furniture or behind picture frames or decorations as well as cracks in electrical outlets and sofas.

These pests were once synonymous with overcrowded and dilapidated hotels or living accommodations; however, recently they have experienced an unprecedented resurgence that is yet to be fully understood; possible factors may include increased global travel, resistance to certain insecticides, changes in housing construction and design and greater global connectivity.

To avoid an infestation, wash all bedding at high temperatures of 122 degrees Fahrenheit or higher; alternatively, freeze items contaminated by bed bugs for instantaneous kill. While cleaning, pay particular attention to crevices and cracks. Vacuum or clean furniture regularly including bedroom furniture and dressers and spray any potential hiding places with an approved surface pesticide for bed bugs.


If you regularly host guests from outside your home, bed bugs could make an appearance. These wingless pests are master hitchhikers; they can travel on luggage, clothing, bedding and boxes before making their way inside your home. Bed bugs are particularly prevalent in places with high guest volumes like hotels, hostels, cruise ships or airplanes where guests stay overnight.

Bed bugs differ from fleas and ticks in that they tend to leave after feeding, rather than remain on human skin after being attracted by food sources such as fleas or ticks. With their flat bodies designed for concealment in tight, hidden places where they’re harder to spot, bed bugs tend to run away and hide where other bed bugs can’t easily see them. Furthermore, these nocturnal insects produce chemicals which draw other bed bugs into hiding spots for greater safety.

In the dark, bed bugs can hide within mattress seams and tufts, in wood joints of box springs and beds, cracks and crevices as well as baseboards and headboards. As their population expands beyond their hiding spaces, they spread into other rooms quickly.

Use a flashlight to inspect your bedding in the dark with the flashlight beam to search for signs of bed bug infestation, such as blood spots caused by bites. Also look out for shed skins or eggshells as these pests leave behind sandy texture deposits on bedding material and produce an unpleasant odor similar to sweat.

Though many believe that bed bug infestations are caused by filth, this isn’t actually true. Bed bugs are drawn to warmth and food rather than dirt or decay – if your mattress is dirty instead of bed bugs you could have dust mite issues instead of bed bugs!

Vacuuming commonly-found hiding spots of these pests, including cracks and crevices around electrical outlets and light switches and seams of mattresses and furniture, is a good place to start. Wash all clothes and bedding in hot water before putting on high heat dryer settings – or place infested clothing in the freezer for several days as bed bugs can freeze themselves to death if left exposed for too long.

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