Think You Have Drywood Termites?

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Think You Have Drywood Termites?

There are two types of termites: Drywood termites and Subterranean Termites. Each type has its own pest control techniques, but we will discuss Drywood termites first. Soldier termites are more difficult to control than subterranean termites, so we must use a combination of treatment methods. This way, we can keep the termites out of our home while keeping the structure intact. This article will help you choose the best treatment options.

Drywood termites

If you suspect your home is infested with Drywood termites, you should contact a professional pest control company. A certified pest control operator can administer drywood termite treatments and prevent future infestations. An inspection is essential before implementing a termite control plan. The inspection will also reveal the extent of the infestation, enabling you to plan your operation efficiently. Here are some helpful tips for controlling Drywood termites:

Subterranean termites

Most termites live underground. A single colony can cover one acre under a home. These insects prefer dark, hidden environments, so they’ll build carton nests in walls, attics, and trees. Upon detection, termites can be treated with an in-ground bait system or non-repellent chemical soil barrier. A yearly inspection of a structure can ensure that no termites are present.

Worker termites

Workers are termites that tunnel through the soil in the top 6 to 12 inches, occasionally going deeper into the ground. While termites can detect leachates from wood at short distances, they typically forage randomly throughout the entire area. Upon discovering a source of wood, worker termites recruit other workers and establish feeding tunnels. In larger wood sources, termites can establish satellite nest sites and secondary reproductives. Symptoms of a termite infestation include the following:

Soldier termites

Soldier termites are responsible for the defense of their colonies. They possess exaggerated mandibles to defend their colonies. Soldiers differ from one another in their defense mechanisms, with some having chemical and others mechanical. Prestwich classified soldiers according to the way they defend themselves. To prevent other termites from attacking the colony, soldiers lock their jaws. This action depletes their energy quickly, making them ineffective for defense.

Termite queens

While most termite queens lay eggs, they do not mate with the king. Instead, they produce daughters asexually by means of a process called parthenogenesis. Termite queens do not remain in a colony for long, and the queen is not the only female termite. As the colony grows, a caste system is implemented, with the newborn termites becoming soldiers or workers, then reproductives.

If you think you have a termite problem and need a termite inspection in the Phoenix, Mesa, Scottsdale or surrounding areas contact Atomic Pest Control for help.

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