Arizona is home to many of the worst biting and stinging pests in the United States like Bees. Probably near the top of the list are the many rattlesnakes, scorpions, and fire ants that cause havoc yearly in many homes across the state. However, a new problem occurs every year from March to October along with the rise in warmer temperatures.
Africanized Honey Bees look much like domestic honey bees. The only way to tell the two apart is by their behavior. Africanized Honey bees are slightly smaller than their native cousins but can prove to be just as deadly to the other pests inhabiting the Phoenix area.
These “Killer Bees” are aggressive and will launch an attack on people or even animals that come into their territory. Unfortunately, this aggressive hybrid bee can chase you up to a quarter of a mile after they are disturbed and inflict painful and potentially lethal bites.
Follow these important steps Around Bees:
DO NOT JUMP INTO WATER to escape the bee stings in the event of a swarm attack.
- Run! A bee can fly around 12 to 15 miles an hour, so most healthy people can get away from them. Be prepared to run for at least a quarter-mile or to an inside area as quickly as possible.
- Cover your body and face as you run to escape. Any bee sting around your eyes, nose, or mouth will make it much more difficult to get help. Find shelter as soon as possible. Get inside a house, tent, car, or another inside area as quickly as possible.
- Find shelter as soon as possible. Get inside a house, tent, car or another inside area as quickly as possible.
- Scrape the stingers out with your fingernails or a credit card to stop the stingers from pumping additional venom into your body.
- Diagnose your situation and decide on whether you need additional medical help.
If you are stung and experiencing difficulty swallowing, immediately call 911 or seek emergency assistance