4 Tips for Preventing Bed Bugs in Phoenix, AZ

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Bed Bug in Arizona

4 Tips for Preventing Bed Bugs in Phoenix, AZ

As the Phoenix population goes up, so do bed bug infestations, and Phoenix is no exception. We live in one of the fastest growing cities in the country, and there is a chance that every visitor arriving in our state harbors a secret passenger: the dreaded bed bug. When an infestation establishes itself, bed bugs can be extremely difficult to treat. Therefore, the best defense against bed bugs is a good preventative plan.

How to Prevent Bed Bugs from Infesting Your Home

1. Examine All Secondhand Furniture

When buying secondhand furniture, check for signs of bed bugs, such as dark spots, dried skin castings, eggs, or bed bugs themselves. It’s especially pertinent to check the nooks and crannies, such as underneath the cushions, inside seams, or even inside the heads of screws.

2. Cover Your Mattress

Bed bugs are called “bed” bugs for a reason. These pests love mattresses because they can hide safely while accessing their favorite food source, human blood. Covering your mattress with a high-quality mattress protector eliminates all the crevices that bed bugs love to burrow into.

3. Be Wary of Shared Spaces

Some public spaces are more prone to bed bug infestations than others. Hotel rooms are an obvious one, but laundromats, movie theaters, and waiting areas with upholstered furniture are also places where bed bug infestations are likely to occur. If you spend time in any of these places and believe you’ve been exposed, it’s best to launder and treat any belongings that have been exposed as well. This includes the clothes on your body, possessions in your luggage, and your luggage itself.

4. Maintain and Clean Your Home

Clutter, cracked walls, and peeling wallpaper can attract bed bugs just as much as a mattress. Minimize the likelihood of an infestation by keeping things tidy and maintained. Vacuuming and dusting at least once a week can stop pests from establishing themselves in the home.

When it comes to bed bugs, prevention is key. However, once you see signs of bed bugs in your home, it’s often too late. At that point, your best bet is to call a pest control professional in Phoenix like Atomic Pest Control who can identify the infestation, address it in a safe way, and eliminate the problem.

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