Top 3 Tips for Managing a Pigeon Problem in Phoenix, AZ

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Top 3 Tips for Managing a Pigeon Problem in Phoenix, AZ

It’s very likely that you walk by pigeons on a daily basis, whether in the parking lot at the grocery store or flying around the park nearby your home. While you probably don’t pay attention to these birds while out and about, all of that can change when they make a home nearby yours. From perching on your roof to making a mess on your car, it’s easy to see why getting rid of these birds can become a priority. Some of the top management tips to help you take control are listed below.

1. Clean Up Garbage and Cover Up Trash

Pigeons are attracted to food sources that they can rely on, which means they may hang around for quite a long time if they can regularly find healthy food outside of your home. To help with this, make sure to keep garbage covered in a trash can and clean up any food droppings you might find outside.

2. Install a Plastic Predator Bird

In the area where the pigeons normally congregate, install a plastic owl or hawk. These are predatory birds that pigeons are naturally scared of, which may give them a reason to hang out elsewhere. However, keep in mind that due to the fact that these statues don’t move, some pigeons may not be scared off as others.

3. Call a Professional

If you can’t seem to get rid of pigeons in Phoenix, then Atomic Pest Control recommends calling in professionals right away. Our understanding of how these birds live and what deters them will help ensure you can achieve a pigeon-free home in far less time. From installing spikes alongside your home (in nesting areas), to using other effective bird barrier solutions, we will find what works best for your home.

Tips for Identifying a Pigeon Problem

– Appearance of Nesting Materials

If you see nesting materials such as small twigs, then this could be a sign of pigeons or other birds. This will usually appear on the ledge of your home or inside of a gutter (which would cause a blockage during rainy weather).

– Increased Bird Droppings

One surefire sign of a pigeon problem is the increased prevalence of bird droppings on your roof, sidewalk, car, and driveway.

In order to get rid of pigeons effectively, it’s essential to call a trained pest control professional who has experience with this type of problem in particular. After doing a thorough inspection, our experts at Atomic Pest Control will be able to design the best plan for getting rid of these birds around your home. With that, you can look forward to living in a safer and cleaner space without the constant annoyance of pigeons.

If you have a pigeon problem and need Pigeons removed from your home or business Call Atomic Pest Control Experts for Phoenix Pigeon Removal Services at 480-832-8888

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